Creating the iOS project

Add an iOS App (Xamarin) project called MvvmCrossDemo.Forms.iOS into the solution, like this:

Note that do not use iOS XAML App (Xamarin.Forms) template. Use the Blank App template and select it for iPhone:

Then install the Xamarin.Forms package to the project through the NuGet Package Manager:

Or install it by the command below in the NuGet Manager Console:

Install-Package Xamarin.Forms

Install the MvvmCross.Forms package in the NuGet Package Manager:

Or you can install it by the command below in the NuGet Manager Console:

Install-Package MvvmCross.Forms

Because we use Newtonsoft.Json and AutoMapper in the MvvmCrossDemo.Core project, so do not forget to install them from the NuGet Package Manager or your NuGet Manager Console.

Like the Android project, add the reference to the MvvmCrossDemo.Core project and the MvvmCrossDemo.Forms.UI project. Update the default namespace of the MvvmCrossDemo.Forms.iOS project to MvvmCrossDemo.Forms.iOS instead of Blank, like this:

Open the AppDelegate.cs file and update the class to inherit from MvxFormsApplicationDelegate<MvxFormsIosSetup<Core.App, UI.App>, Core.App, UI.App> instead of UIApplicationDelegate. Then delete all the pre-populated methods in the AppDelegate class, as shown below:

using Foundation;
using MvvmCross.Forms.Platforms.Ios.Core;

namespace MvvmCrossDemo.Forms.iOS
    // The UIApplicationDelegate for the application. This class is responsible for launching the
    // User Interface of the application, as well as listening (and optionally responding) to application events from iOS.
    public class AppDelegate : MvxFormsApplicationDelegate<MvxFormsIosSetup<Core.App, UI.App>, Core.App, UI.App>


You can find the sample code of it here:

That is it! All the Views of the iOS project are handled by the MvvmCrossDemo.Forms.UI project so we can reuse a lot of codes between these projects.

Last updated