Adding the View for the iOS project

Create a new blank Storyboard and name it as PostList.storyboard in the Views folder of the MvvmCrossDemo.iOS project, , and drag a Button to the page from the Toolbox:

Set the Name of the Button as btnNavToPostList. Then update the FirstView.cs in Views folder to bind the command to the Button by adding the code below into the ViewDidLoad method:

set.Bind(btnNavToPostList).To(vm => vm.NavToPostListAsyncCommand);

In the native iOS development, you can define a transition called segue to navigate from view A to view B in one storyboard but for MvvmCross, we need to unify the navigation pattern for all the platforms. So I recommend that it is better to use a one-ViewController-per-storyboard approach if you are using storyboards in MvvmCross.

Create a new Blank Storyboard and name it as PostListView.storyboard in the Views folder of the MvvmCrossDemo.iOS project. Drag a Table View Controller from the Toolbox and place it on the PostListView.Storyboard. Click the bottom bar of it and set the Class property and the Storyboard ID property to PostListView. Do not forget to select the Use Storyboard ID checkbox. Then the PostListView.cs and the PostListView.designer.cs will be automatically generated. Move them to the Views folder and update their namespace to MvvmCrossDemo.iOS.Views. Change the parent class of it, as shown below:

    public partial class PostListView : MvxTableViewController<PostListViewModel>
        public PostListView (IntPtr handle) : base (handle)

        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            var source = new MvxStandardTableViewSource(TableView, 
                new NSString("PostItemViewCell"), "TitleText Post.Title; DetailText Post.Body");
            TableView.Source = source;

            var set = this.CreateBindingSet<PostListView, PostListViewModel>();
            set.Bind(source).To(vm => vm.PostList);

MvxTableViewController is another build-in ViewController to present a standard iPhone table. In this view controller, we created a MvxStandardTableViewSource and bind it to the TableView in the TableViewController. The Table in iOS has four built-in cell styles which support the most common data displays. Here we use Subtitle. You can bind the TitleText and DetailText of the item in the list. At last, use this code to reload data:


We can extend the MvxTableViewSource class to customize the cell styles. For more details, please read this article: . The result is:

Last updated