Creating the XAML files

Add two ContentPage files into the Pages folder of MvxFormsMasterDetailDemo.UI project and name them as ContactsPage.xaml and TodoPage.xaml. To use MvvmCross feature, we need to change them to inherit from MvxContentPage. Open the ContactsPage.xaml file and replace the content by the following code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<views:MvxContentPage xmlns=""
            <Label Text="Welcome to ContactsPage!"
                HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />

The Label is used to indicate the current page.

Open the ContactsPage.xaml.cs file and update the content like this:

using MvvmCross.Forms.Presenters.Attributes;
using MvvmCross.Forms.Views;
using MvxFormsMasterDetailDemo.Core.ViewModels;
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;

namespace MvxFormsMasterDetailDemo.UI.Pages
    [MvxMasterDetailPagePresentation(Position = MasterDetailPosition.Detail, NoHistory = true, Title = "Contacts Page")]
    public partial class ContactsPage : MvxContentPage<ContactsViewModel>
        public ContactsPage ()
            InitializeComponent ();

The value of the Position property is MasterDetailPosition.Detail, which means this page should be located to the Detail area of the MasterDetailPage. The NoHistory property should be true so that there is no strange behavior for the navigation for different platforms. The Title property is used to show the page name on the top of the page.

Do the same changes to TodoPage.xaml and TodoPage.xaml.cs correspondingly. Do not forget to update the Text of the Label control to show the page name.

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